Hello Sweet Friends,
I have a DIY reverse-canvas ornament to share with you today. It features a cute little gnome on it. Gnomes seem to have become increasingly popular over the last few years, so I thought I would put my own spin on it! So follow along and see how easy this budget-friendly ornament is to create.
Items needed to create this ornament
- 4X6 canvas (I got mine from Dollar Tree)
- white yarn
- fabric, ribbon, or paint for the gnome hat and body
- one wooden bead
- brown paint
- twine
- embellishment for the frame
- glue gun, scissors, pliers, Xacto blade

As with any reverse-canvas project, the first step is to remove the canvas from the frame using an Xacto knife. Then remove the staples with pliers, if desired. Cut the canvas down to size and set to the side. There is a more detailed tutorial for this here.

Paint the frame the desired color. I chose brown paint/stain for mine using Waverly antique wax and just watered it down a little bit. I created the beard from yarn by cutting six or seven pieces and tied together in the middle. I cut them longer that I needed so then later I could trim them to size. Then I painted the body of the gnome on the canvas with gray paint, and cut the gnome’s hat from red velvet ribbon. I think the next one I make, I will use felt for both the hat and body.

When I painted the body and glued on the hat, I made sure there was enough space around the perimeter for the frame not to overlap, especially the hat. Then I glued on the beard and nose. The final step was to glue the frame back on, attach a twine hanger, and add an embellishment. It was a quick and easy little project and it turned out oh, so cute!

I feathered out the beard a little and trimmed it to what I though looked best.
I hope I’ve inspired you to create a gnome ornament for your tree this year!
Thanks for following along!