Hello Sweet Friends,
For some, Easter is celebrated as a secular holiday with traditions like dyeing Easter eggs, hunting for Easter eggs, and visits from the Easter bunny. For others, Easter is a deeply religious holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But for most, Easter is some combination of the two. This DIY focuses on the religious aspect of the holiday and I hope you love it as much as I do.
Supplies needed
- grapevine wreath
- faux Easter lilies
- faux lamb’s ear
- wooden cross
- white and brown paint
- ribbon
- wire
- scissors, wire cutters, paint brush
- glue pot or glue gun

Begin this project by getting the cross ready for the wreath.
The cross is from Dollar General: it is painted it with white chalk paint, then antique wax to give it an aged look. While the paint is drying, move on to the wreath.
(I found the grapevine wreath at a resale shop and cleaned it up before using it on this project. )
Using wire cutters, separate the Easter lilies and lamb’s ear into individual stems.

It is now time to start assembling the wreath.
(Instead of a glue gun, I used my new glue pot to dip the flower stems. This makes it much easier when doing floral work, because it keeps both hands free. I’ll include a link at the bottom of the blog post if you are interested in getting one for yourself.)

Start with the lamb’s ear or other foliage, glueing two stems on the left side, going towards the top of the wreath.

Then two stems going towards the bottom of the wreath.

Add the Easter lilies next.

Keep adding Easter lilies placing them among the lamb’s ear on the left side of the wreath.

Using a neutral ribbon, such as burlap, tie a bow for the wreath. Secure the bow with wire.

Attach the bow with either hot glue or wrapping the wire around to the back of the wreath and securing it.

In order to attach the cross to the wreath, glue two wires to the back of it. Secure in place with a piece of fabric of ribbon. (I also added a few more loops of ribbon, see final pictures.)

After placing the cross in the desired location, wrap the wires around to the back of the wreath and secure by twisting together. Cut off any excess wire.

I just LOVE how this wreath turned out!
I hope I’ve inspired you to get creative with a grapevine wreath for your home decor this Easter holiday.
Happy Crafting!

Easter Blessings to you all!

Here is my affiliate link for the glue pot that I use for my floral crafting. If you choose to make a purchase, I get a small commission which helps me to keep bringing you free content.
Link here: https://amzn.to/3qN8I89