Hello Sweet Friends,
I am so excited to share this craft project with you today. Even for those of you who claim to not be crafty, this is for you. It is the VERY easiest fabric-covered pumpkin DIY craft; and the best thing about it is that no sewing is necessary. Just grab one of those styrofoam pumpkins from the Dollar Tree and your choice of fabric, and follow along!
Items necessary for this craft
- styrofoam pumpkin
- fabric square
- white paint
- cinnamon stick
- twine and any other embellishments you like
- scissors
- box cutter or X-ACTO knife

I found a yard of beautiful fabric from JoAnn’s this year. I just love it and knew it would be perfect for this project. I cut a piece of the fabric that was equivalent to a “fat quarter” (18” X 22”). FYI – I think I see other fall craft projects with this fabric in my near future, but that will be for another post.
After removing the stem, the first step was to paint the pumpkin with white paint. I did this because the orange color of the pumpkin can be seen through the most fabric otherwise.

I used chalk paint, but next time I think I will use spray paint to save a little time.
When the paint was dry, I used a knife to cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin.

Next, I centered the pumpkin onto the square of fabric.

Then, I begin at one corner of the fabric and tucked it into the pumpkin. Continueing this step for each corner of fabric, I gathered the fabric as I went, until all corners were tucked snugly into the pumpkin.

How EASY was that? For the final step I placed a cinnamon stick in the pumpkin and added embellishments. I used brown felt leaves, mini pine cones, and brown curly wire to finish my pumpkin.

I am just loving this little pumpkin craft. It was so quick and easy! And it smells so good! I hope I’ve inspired you to get craftsy and make one for your home decor this fall! The possibilities are endless; use any fabric and embellishments you choose. Create one to match your home decor! You can do it!

Happy Fall and Happy Crafting!