Hello Sweet Friends,
I have the CUTEST DIY decor project for you today! It s an easy-to-make candy corn decor piece. Candy corn is one of those love-it or hate-it candies when it comes to how it tastes, but I think everyone can agree that using candy corn in decor pieces for the fall and Halloween seasons would be in the “love it” category.
Pinterest has been showing a lot candy corn decor ideas including some hanging candy corn holders with florals in them. When I saw them, I knew that I wanted to DIY them. So I used some inexpensive supplies from Dollar Tree and Walmart and came up with this craft. I hope you like is as much as I do.
Supply list for Candy Corn Decor
- styrofoam cone
- sheets of felt in colors; white, orange, and yellow
- scissors
- knife with serrated edge
- glue gun
- various fall/halloween stems
- wire cutters
- black crow mini tree topper from Dollar Tree, optional

The first step was to cut the styrofoam cone in half, only using one half for this project. I used a serrated knife which made it a little easier, but it still was a little difficult to keep a straight line. It looked uneven on the back side but the back side does not show in the final piece, so no worries.

Next, I cut the yellow felt into strips. The strips were approximately an inch wide; I did not measure, but just eyed it and began cutting. Then beginning at the wider end, I glued the strips onto the half cone, wrapping around as I went.

I then repeated the process with the orange felt.

And then also with the white felt, making sure to cover the tip of the candy corn. I also glued a wire loop onto the back for a hanger. Oops, did not get a picture of that.

Decorating the Candy Corn Decor
Now that the candy corn holder was finished, it was time to start adding the florals and embellishments. The first thing I added was the black crow tree topper using plenty of hot glue and placing it directly onto the foam.

Some black branches and mini pumpkin stems were added next. I used wire cutters to cut the stems to the right length and stuck them directly into the foam.

After adding a few more leaves, berries, and florals, the candy corn decor piece was finished! And it sure turned out CUTE!!
Let’s take a look at the finished piece!

Oh my gosh, I just LOVE how this LOOKS!
See below for both candy corn decor pieces that I made from one cone.

I am also sharing another candy corn bouquet that I made with a smaller cone.

It’s hard to decide which I like the BEST!

And just in case you wanted to see what the back looked like, here is a picture. I know it’s a hot mess, but having the felt on the back won’t be a scratchy as the bare styrofoam and is probably a little better for your wall.

Well, I have to say that I had a lot of fun creating this, and I hope that it has inspired you to create something similar for your home.
Until next time…….. Happy Crafting!

If you like candy corn decor, you may also like this DIY project.