Hello Sweet Friends,
For today’s DIY craft, I will be showing you how to create a beautiful clothespin snowflake ornament. This is a very easy and budget-friendly DIY; so I know once you get started, you won’t be able to stop creating these ornaments.
I have another post about creating clothespin snowflake ornaments that you may have already read. But I was inspired by a trip to Branson at Christmastime, where I saw some red and white snowflake ornaments on a tree. So I created some more clothespin snowflake ornaments in the red and white color scheme and thought this project deserved it’s own post.
Follow along as I show you how to create these beautiful ornaments.
Supply List
- eight clothespins
- small snowflake cut-out and mini snowflake cut-out
- white and red paint
- thread or twine
- E6000 or other permanent glue, or glue gun
- Mod Podge
- iridescent glitter
- other embellishments as desired

Getting started
The first step in this project was to paint one of the smaller snowflakes with the red paint. (Actually I went ahead and painted several.) Set aside to dry and continue with the next step.

Then I moved onto the clothespins. I got them at the local Dollar Tree in a pack of 36.
Count out eight clothespins and separate each of them into two pieces.

Glue the two clothespin pieces together using E6000 or super glue. You may also use a glue gun if you desire.

Glue the eight clothespin pieces together as pictured below, using E6000 or Super Glue. Let dry overnight.

Next, paint the snowflake with white paint; it needs two coats with dry time in between. I did not get a picture of this step.
After the white paint dries, glue the red mini snowflake into the center of the snowflake. Add other embellishment as desired.
Let’s finish the clothespin snowflake ornament

I thought the ornament needed a little something extra, so I added some iridescent glitter using a light coat of Mod Podge. Then glued a loop of twine as a hanger.

And, BAM, you’ve got yourself some pretty darn CUTE ornaments!
As you can see below, I created a few different variations of the clothespin snowflake ornaments. Some of them, I stacked a mini clothespin snowflake onto the top of the other.

Can you believe that such a beautiful ornament can be created with something as mundane as a clothespin?

This project was a lot of fun to create. I hope it inspires you to create something pretty for your home this holiday season.

Until next time…….. Happy Crafting!